Greenish antics of Nige to grow, build and make a gr8 world

Greenish antics – frugal, growing, trying and sharing

okay okay I’m late…. – I’ve been eating veg!!!! July 31, 2007

Filed under: Allotment,Gardening — Canvas Summer Nige @ 10:06 pm

Alright, so partial failure to blog regularly. ….. but what an update I can offer.  After starting out this year with

     a) no knowledge at all

    b) a history of not being perfectionist and really blagging stuff badly and

    c) the understanding that we probaly would’t grow much at all this year.

And now even with the naff 2007 summer weather……  We’ve got/had:

  • 100 potatoes 
  • 2 Cucumbers, 2 more coming
  • Carrots (one eaten, around 30 I reckon ready soon)
  • A dinner load of fresh garden peas
  • A veritable bush of nasturshums

composite of july achievements snapshot

We’ve also got a load of tomatoes on the edge of getting to size and gettin red, tall and proud sweetcorn, nicely coming along kale, parsnips, brocoli, onions, and garlic. 

 So wow – even makes a big list in a posting!!!  We need visitors in about a months time to experience full nigey-green roast dinner!!!

 It feels really good and on just 3 narrow strips we’re pretty confident that next year we can do better with a whole area not just beds – much like we saw at the in-laws in Spain.


One Response to “okay okay I’m late…. – I’ve been eating veg!!!!”

  1. thebigsofa Says:

    Hurray! The blogger is back. Nice one Nigey!

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